
This is how the piece began, as a mostly monochromatic drawing.  Colored pencil on wood prepped with tinted Acrylic Ground for Pastel, 19" diameter.
This is the piece after adding layers of color over the value study.  Colored pencil on wood prepped with tinted Acrylic Ground for Pastel, 19" diameter.


This was how this piece started - as a monochromatic painting.  Watercolor on watercolor paper, 29.5 x 21.5.
This is piece after adding a few glazes of yellow and blue watercolor and then working over the entire piece with colored pencil.  Colored pencil and watercolor on watercolor paper, 29.5 x 21.5.


Parrot, 10 x 7 1/2, colored pencil over watercolor on watercolor paper